duh! its true.
Apparently starbucks will start off in Seattle and change its name and begin to sell wine and beer, and other ADULT items..jk.
Company stated that if all goes well they will add more of these chains, the name of the Starbucks will be called 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea.
Each starbucks having its own unique name.
I guess Ill oreder a Vodka Frapuccino when i go to Seattle..ha ha
The NEW Harry Potter is THE BEST!
I finally saw it, yes Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.
So much anticipation for the film after it was originally suppose to come out in November of 08.
Well the film plot is way darker than previous films and in my opinion the best one in the last movies. I kinda hated that they deleted the Hogwards battle and also the scenes with horcruxes and Vodemorts story. I mean if you read the book, you would be are u suppose to know _____ for the next movie.
Whatevers..oh well we cant always get what we desire.
So Why Are these Damn Fries the best in the world?
I had some today, and it was like heaven....(maybe because they were made in a new batch of oil)
but OMFG America loves McDonalds..I mean we love them so much, no one can resist them.
MCDonalds fries are definetly the best..not so much the burgers...eww.
Who know why we lov ethe Fat Greasy Fries..maybe they are made of SOILENT GREEN!!!
hahaha soilent green, not least I HOPE not